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About Us

Yorke Engineering specializes in assisting industrial and government facilities with Air Quality and Environmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S) permitting and/or compliance issues. Our service areas in EH&S include Air Quality, Hazardous Materials/Waste, Storm Water, Wastewater, Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) assistance. Each area has a significant number of specific services. Our staff is comprised of talented and experienced team members, each an expert in their area of expertise. (Go to Yorke Staff | Yorke Engineering, LLC (yorkeengr.com) for more information.)

    group photo of yorke employees wearing button up long sleeve shirts that say yorke engineering in varying colors.

    Purpose, Values, and Mission Statement

    To facilitate our clients’ success, our purpose is to solve technical, regulatory, and planning problems – through our expertise, honesty, quality, and responsiveness. The foundation of our company is based on our individual technical skills, outstanding teamwork, and attention to detail. We put our clients’ needs first, and we are constantly building our reputation, through our hard work and diligence.

    Yorke Engineering’s Mission Is: “To Cultivate Lifelong Relationships with Our Clients by Offering Them the Best Total Solution. This Is Supported by Our Commitment to Go Above and Beyond – Not Occasionally, but Routinely – in Our Efforts to Develop Deep-Rooted Client Satisfaction and Loyalty. The Creativity and Energy of Our People Stimulates a Culture of Enthusiasm, Excellence, and Innovation – Setting Us Apart from Our Competitors.”

    Yorke Engineering’s Founder and CEO

    Yorke Engineering was founded by Judy Yorke in 1996. Ms. Yorke graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara. After working for McDonnell Douglas in systems engineering and modeling cruise missile defense systems, she decided to change her career – to follow her passion into Air Quality Engineering. Having grown up in the San Fernando Valley, a very smoggy place in the 1960s, she was interested in assisting industry to improve the air for the millions of people living in California.

    headshot photo of yorke engineering llc founder judy yorkeMs. Yorke’s consulting career began at Radian Corporation, a leading national air quality firm, as an Air Quality Project Manager implementing California’s new Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Act (AB 2588), which was soon followed by the passage of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. These foundational regulations are still directly or indirectly behind most of the Air Quality improvements being made today. As these regulations were being enacted throughout California, she managed countless air quality projects at aerospace, industrial manufacturing, and governmental facilities over many years – assisting hundreds of clients to permit and control emissions sources throughout the State. For over 25 years, Ms. Yorke taught the Air Quality Permitting and Compliance course at University of California, Irvine, to help others learn and expand the industrial community’s knowledge and understanding of Air Quality Engineering.

    Setting the Course for 100 Years

    By 2010, Yorke Engineering was well established as a successful Air Quality and Environmental Compliance consulting firm. At that point, together with all of the staff, we adopted a goal of continuing to grow, remaining independently managed, and building the organization to last for 100 years. Now at 29 years in, we still have 71 to go!

    Trevor and James Yorke both graduated with Engineering degrees from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and University of California, Berkeley, and are now long-term members of Yorke Engineering. As a matrix organization, we have many talented internal leaders in a variety of roles, including Regional Group Leaders, Technical Working Group Leaders, Client Service Staff, Project Management Leaders, Operational Staff Leads, and Advisors, all providing day-to-day management of the organization.

    Yorke History

    Horizontal Timeline with Arrow
    Yorke Engineering is founded to provide air quality services to industry in south coast.
    The first Yorke Engineering staff member is hired.
    Yorke Engineering opens its first office.
    Yorke grows to 10 staff members.
    Geographic expansion begins, eventually reaching 13 offices throughout California in 2024.
    Yorke adds hazardous materials, hazardous waste, stormwater, and wastewater services.
    Yorke adds CEQA services.
    Yorke adds safety services.
    Yorke adds industrial hygiene services and reaches 50 staff members.
    Yorke grows to 90 staff members.

    Yorke Engineering’s Client Service Philosophy

    In addition to specific EH&S projects, Yorke Engineering is committed to improving our clients’ success and operational performance as much as possible. We make a point to consider and reduce, wherever possible, the operational and recurring costs of compliance programs, air control equipment, waste processing, and other related environmental processes. Although we realize the value of specialized consulting services, Yorke Engineering prefers to integrate as a team with our clients, as we have a philosophy of encouraging our clients to learn and perform as much of the compliance as possible using in-house staff.


    We Benefit Our Clients Most By

    Accelerating the

    Permitting Process

    Lowering Management

    Liability and Risk

    Increasing Your

    Staff’s Compliance


    Improving Compliance

    Facilitating Agency


    Augmenting Staff Shortages

    With On-Site and Off-Site Support



    Operational Flexibility

    • Accelerating the Permitting Process
    • Lowering Management Liability and Risk
    • Increasing Your Staff’s Compliance Knowledge
    • Improving Compliance
    • Facilitating Agency Negotiations
    • Augmenting Staff Shortages With On-Site Support
    • Increasing Operational Flexibility

    Main Office:

    31726 Rancho Viejo Rd. Suite 218
    San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

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