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Home / News / Regulatory Updates / CTR Regulation Reminder Additional Facilities Required To Report

CTR Regulation Reminder: Additional Facilities Required To Report

August 30, 2024
orange forklift driving to the left with a small stack of pallets

*The information presented in this article is based on the CARB Criteria and Toxics Reporting (CTR) Regulation as of August 30, 2024. Please verify current guidelines and regulations independently.

CARB’s Criteria and Toxics Reporting (CTR) Regulations will be implemented at additional facilities starting in 2025, depending upon Permitted Process types and Activity Levels. These additional applicable facilities will be required to report annual emissions data for 2024 emissions. Specifically, facilities will provide emissions data for the first time if certain Activity Levels are exceeded for the specified Permitted Processes at a facility.

This initial round of reporting will be required in 2025 for data year 2024 (DY2024) for all applicable facility emissions. Facilities in Sector Phase 2, located in District Group A1, will be affected. Similarly, facilities classified under Sector Phase 1, located in District Group B2, will also be required to comply.

Table 1 below contains a summary of the District Group A, Sector Phase 2 facility categories required to report DY2024 emissions data for the first time in 2025. Table 2 below contains a summary of the District Group B, Sector Phase 1 facility categories required to report DY2024 emissions data for the first time in 2025.

Each local air district will implement these CTR requirements through their annual emissions reporting or emissions inventory program, such as the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD’s) Annual Emissions Report (AER), which is due May 1, 2025 for DY2024.

Table 1: District Group A, Sector Phase 2 Facilities with First-Time Reporting for DY2024

Permitted Process Activity Level Reporting Threshold for Permitted Process
Printing and publishing, including print shops and miscellaneous commercial printing Use of materials with no isocyanates: average of 2 gal/day; use of materials with isocyanates: average of 0.5 gal/day
Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling at a hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling facility Any activity level
Welding, laser cutting, and plasma cutting of metal materials Any activity level
Construction aggregate processing, if asphalt products are also used or produced Any activity level
Chemicals and allied products manufacturing Any activity level
Bulk petroleum storage and loading, bulk benzene storage and loading, and wholesalers Any activity level
Polybrominated biphenyl compounds and any brominated diphenyl ethers use Any activity level
Use of ethylene oxide for sterilization Any activity level
Leather and hide tanning and finishing Any activity level
Retail sale of gasoline 25,000 gal/yr of gasoline sold
Auto body repair and coating operations 50 gal/yr of paint used
Medical services, hospitals, and related facilities 110 lbs/yr of formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde emitted; or any ethylene oxide; or 30 gal/yr of diesel use or 5 hrs/yr of non-emergency operation
Flat glass manufacturing 100 lbs of glass production
Pressed and blown glassware manufacturing 100 lbs of glass production
Clay ceramics manufacturing 1 ton of product manufactured

Table 2: District Group B, Sector Phase 1 Facilities with First-Time Reporting for DY2024

Permitted Process Activity Level Reporting Threshold for Permitted Process
Metal plating, anodizing, or grinding using cadmium or chromium Any activity level
Plating, polishing, coating, engraving, using chromium, cadmium, or nickel Any activity level
Petroleum refining and industries related to refining Any activity level
Industrial machinery manufacturing Any activity level
Release of fumigant or fumigation of crops Any activity level
Rubber and misc. plastics products manufacturing if styrene, butadiene, phthalates, carcinogenic solvents, or isocyanates are used Any activity level
Processes emitting 1,4-dioxane 10 lbs of 1,4-dioxane emitted per year
Combustion of crude, residual, distillate, or diesel oil, except for agricultural operations and medical-related industry sectors Tier 4: 100 gal/yr, or 5 hrs/yr non-emergency use; Tier 0-3 diesel engines: 30 gal/yr or 5 hrs/yr of non-emergency use; other combustion devices: 100 gal/yr fuel use
Processes emitting styrene 1 lb of styrene emitted per year
Methylene chloride use 1 gal of methylene chloride used per year
Paint stripping and varnish stripping Any activity level
Use of N-methyl pyrrolidone 1 gal of N-methyl pyrrolidone per year
Dry cleaning facilities, except facilities that only use water or CO2 systems Any activity level
Tert-butyl acetate use 20 lbs of tert-butyl acetate used per year
Use of parachlorobenzotrifluoride (PCBTF) 5 lbs or 0.5 gal of PCBTF used per year
Solvent cleaning and degreasing Use of solvents listed as a human carcinogen or potential human carcinogen: any activity level; annual average of 55 gal per month

1 Includes major air quality management/air pollution control districts (AQMDs/APCDs): SCAQMD, BAAQMD, Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD, San Diego County APCD, Imperial County APCD, and San Joaquin Valley APCD.

2 Encompasses all other California air districts: Mojave Desert AQMD, Ventura County APCD, and Santa Barbara County APCD.


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