Odor Quantification, Analysis, and Control
Yorke Engineering, LLC has expertise in odor quantification, nuisance regulations, atmospheric measurements, air dispersion analysis, and odor control equipment evaluation and permitting. We are experienced with installing real-time odor monitoring networks and performing in-field odor studies for a wide range of industries and operations, including solid waste transfer facilities, wastewater treatment plants, and animal and agricultural operations. We often work with facilities to successfully permit temporary and permanent odor abatement systems.
Odor Quantification and Abatement
- Measurable Compounds (Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, and Metals);
- Problematic Compounds (Mercaptans, Phenols, and Fatty Acids);
- Odor Panel Analysis for Modeling and Controls;
- Feasibility Assessment of Odor Abatement Systems, Including Costs; and
- Comparison of Different Odor Control Technologies.
Odor Analysis
- Ambient Air Sampling;
- Olfactometer In-Field Measurements; and
- Odor Dispersion Modeling (AERMOD).
Conditional Use Permits and Odor Plans
- CalRecycle Odor Mitigation Plans (OMPs);
- Local Jurisdiction Odor Abatement Plans (OAPs) and Odor Control Plans (OCPs);
- Conditional Use Permit Expert Testimony and Verifications; and
- Conditional Use Permit Appeal Support.
Nuisance Violations
Nuisance Rules prohibit the discharge of air contaminants from any source in quantities that cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of persons.
Development of Industrial Sector Rules has varied greatly depending on source and industry type, such as:
- Wastewater Treatment Plants and Pumping Facilities;
- Solid Waste Landfills and Transfer Stations;
- Green Waste, Composting Facilities, and Recycling Operations;
- Food Processing Facilities (Coffee Roasters, Bakeries); and
- Confined Animal Facilities/Feed Lots/Dairies and Rendering Plants.
Odor-Producing Materials
- Ammonia and Nitrogen-Based Compounds, Such as Amines;
- Reduced Sulfur Compounds, Such as Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S);
- Odorous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Such as Aldehydes, Mercaptans, and Phenols; and
- Odorous Volatile Fatty Acids (VFAs), Such as Carboxylic Acids.
Industries Served:
- Cannabis
- Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Composting
- Solid Waste Handling
- Poultry
- Rendering
- Asphalt
- oil & gas
- pet food
- Other Organic Odors
- Other Industrial / Manufacturing Processes