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Ergonomic risk factors are body motions or postures which can contribute to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Common ergonomic risk factors include repetitive motions, forceful exertions, static and/or awkward postures, and heavy lifting.  Employees are exposed to ergonomic risk factors in almost all work settings. Examples of common work-related MSDs include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, chronic pain or discomfort, sprains, strains, and back pain.  MSDs can result in decreased productivity and job satisfaction and can impact employees’ quality of life outside of work.

Ergonomic Evaluations

Yorke Engineering provides on-site evaluations to identify ergonomic hazards which may increase the risk of MSDs.  Our experience includes engaging managers and employees to evaluate and control ergonomic hazards in a multitude of work environments: manufacturing, laboratories, material-handling, and office settings. Our services include:

  • Conducting ergonomic risk assessments using published or client-developed ergonomic evaluation tools;
  • Investigating work-related MSDs to identify root causes and contributing factors;
  • Identifying solutions for minimizing employee exposures to ergonomic risk factors, such as workstation modifications, tools or equipment to assist with work activities, and modifications to work practices;
  • Evaluating workstations to determine if ergonomic design principles are met;
  • Developing and implementing ergonomic programs tailored to the client’s operations; and
  • Developing and delivering ergonomics training programs that are specific to client work environments.

Regulatory Requirements

Managing employee exposures to ergonomic risk factors are covered by the following California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) standards:

  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Standard (8 CCR Section 3203) requires employers to develop a written program which includes procedures for identifying and evaluating known work place hazards and correcting unsafe or unhealthy conditions;
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMIs) Standard (8 CCR Section 5110) requires employers to implement programs designed to minimize RMIs and is triggered when work-related RMIs have occurred to more than one employee. The program must include worksite evaluations, control of exposures, and employee training;
  • Hotel Housekeeping Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Standard (8 CCR Section 3345) requires hotels and other lodging establishments to develop a written musculoskeletal injury prevention program (MIPP) to address ergonomic risk factors specific to housekeeping staff; and
  • Health Care Worker Back and Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Standard (8 CCR Section 5120) requires general acute care hospitals to develop a written patient protection and health care worker back and musculoskeletal injury prevention plan to address ergonomic risk factors associated with patient-handling activities.


Main Office:

31726 Rancho Viejo Rd. Suite 218
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

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