Heat-Related Illnesses in the Workplace
Temperature control is important in all occupational settings to ensure that employees are comfortable, but it is critical in hot environments with high work demands and where protective clothing is used. Increased temperature can: cause discomfort in employees; lead to reduced productivity; result in a higher rate of accidents; and risk heat-related illnesses.
Heat-related illnesses begins with dehydration, which can be asymptomatic at first, but then progresses to feeling weak, nauseated, and having a dry mouth. If proper hydration isn’t provided, the body’s inability to maintain its core temperature can lead to worsened symptoms, such as heat exhaustion, which is manifested by sweating, increased pulse, and lowered blood pressure. This, in turn, can lead to fainting or heat cramps. The most severe form of heat-related illnesses is heatstroke, which is when the body stops sweating, the skin turns red and dry, and if left unabated, results in unconsciousness and possibly death.
It is not only the external environment that affects how the body reacts to heat. Personal risk factors also play a role, including underlying health conditions, pregnancy, prior history of experiencing heat-related illnesses, obesity, older age, certain medications, and being acclimatized to hot environments. Acclimatization is a process by which a person’s body gradually increases their tolerance to hot environmental conditions. This adjustment can take anywhere from a week to a month.
Regulatory Requirements
The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) has published regulations for protecting employees in both outdoor and indoor work environments. For outdoor workplaces, Standard 3395 – Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor Places of Employment requires that employers develop a Heat Illness Prevention Plan; this plan addresses Cal/OSHA standards, such as providing training, access to potable water, shade, and cool-down rest periods.
For indoor environments, the new California Code of Regulations, Title 8, section 3396 – Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Places of Employment, effective July 23, 2024, establishes similar requirements for workplaces where the indoor temperature reaches 82F or higher. This includes providing access to potable water, maintaining cool-down areas below 82F, and implementing specific heat illness prevention procedures.
In addition, on September 1, 2021, Federal OSHA issued a memorandum instructing regional OSHA offices to prioritize heat-related complaints and referrals, and on April 8, 2022, OSHA issued new policies and procedures for implementing a new National Emphasis Program (NEP) to prevent heat-related illnesses in indoor and outdoor occupational environments. The NEP targets specific industries that are expected to have a higher exposure risk for heat-related injuries and illnesses. Some industries that are more likely to have high heat exposure concerns include agriculture, construction, foundries, restaurants, and bakeries.
The American Council of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) also provides recommended guidelines for ensuring that employees are not exposed to working conditions that could lead to heat-related illnesses. They recently released revisions to their Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for heat stress and strain to better protect workers.
Workplace Compliance
Yorke Engineering has several certified industrial hygienists and certified safety professionals who can develop heat stress management procedures and controls tailored for your workplace. In addition to ensuring compliance with the standards for outdoor and indoor places of employment, Yorke staff can also assist in navigating the NEP requirements. You may contact us here for more information on how we can provide assistance to you.