Region 8 Scrap Metal Storm Water Permits
The Scrap Metal Permit (Order No. R8-2018-0069), issued by the Santa Ana Water Board (Region 8), regulates how scrap metal recycling facilities in Region 8 manage storm water and other potential pollutants.
The facilities covered under this storm water permit must:
- Be in Region 8;
- Have the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5093; and
- Be engaged in automotive wrecking for scrap-wholesale (excludes facilities involved in automobile dismantling primarily to sell secondhand parts) and/or scrap metal-wholesale (iron, steel, metal waste, and/or non-ferrous).
Facilities that meet these requirements must apply for and comply with this permit to prevent contaminants from entering waterways through storm water runoff during industrial operations.
To comply with the Region 8 scrap metal permit requirements, facilities either need to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) or No Exposure Certification (NEC) Coverage. This plan outlines measures such as controlling pollutants, implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs), conducting regular inspections, and training employees on storm water management responsibilities. If a facility exceeds the numeric action levels (NALs) or numeric effluent limits (NELs), corrective action plans (CAPs) may need to be written and submitted to the Santa Ana Water Board. The Scrap Metal Permit requires that a Scrap Metal – Qualified SWPPP Developer (SM-QSD) develop and certify scrap metal SWPPPs and CAPs and a Scrap Metal-Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (SM-QSP) implement the elements of the SWPPP.
Yorke Services
Yorke Engineering’s certified and experienced professionals include SM-QSPs and SM-QSDs that can assist with the following services:
- Scrap Metal Permit NOI and NEC Coverage;
- Scrap Metal Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPPs);
- Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III Corrective Action Plans (CAPs); and
- Monthly monitoring, required under the Scrap Metal Permit.