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Home / News / Regulatory Updates / BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 18 Health Risk Assessment Update

BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 18 Health Risk Assessment Update

January 12, 2024
image of a health risk assessment form being filled out with "chemical" written in the "hazard" section.

Under Regulation 11, Rule 18, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) conducts health risk assessments (HRAs) for facilities whose emissions pose potentially high health risks. Facilities were ranked into two phases for evaluation: Phase I (36 total facilities) and Phase II. If a facility is found to exceed health risks, a Risk Reduction Plan will be required. After approval by the District, this Risk Reduction Plan will require implementation within 5 years.

As of the fourth quarter of 2023, the BAAQMD has calculated Prioritization Scores for all Phase I facilities and ranked each Phase I facility as either Top Priority (eight facilities), Medium Priority (13 facilities), or Low Priority (15 facilities). The BAAQMD is considering rulemaking in the 2023-2024 fiscal year to amend Rule 11-18 to streamline and expedite regulatory implementation.

More information and the list of Phase I facilities can be found at:


Yorke Engineering specializes in air quality consulting and environmental consulting for stationary and mobile sources, including dispersion modeling, health risk assessments, permitting, emission inventories, air quality compliance systems, etc. Yorke Engineering has assisted over 2,000 customers, including a wide variety of industrial facilities and government organizations throughout California. Learn more here: Air Quality | Yorke Engineering, LLC (

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