Annual Emissions Reports and Inventories
Yorke Engineering staff have managed emission reports throughout California since 1996, and now prepares more than 100 reports per year. Yorke staff are experts in the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and local Air District reporting rules and practices pertaining to emissions inventories and reports. Yorke staff have over 1,000 combined years of experience in quantifying toxic air contaminants (TACs) [diesel particulate matter (DPM), lead (Pb), polycyclic aromatic hydorcarbons, hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI), formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylenes, etc.], and criteria pollutants [volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), particulate matter (PM), and carbon monoxide (CO)]. We work closely with industrial and government clients to meet permitting or permit exemption requirements by using accurate and refined emission quantification.
District Reporting
Local air districts often require emissions inventories or reports of criteria pollutants and toxics. Yorke has expert staff that can provide assistance in negotiating with, reporting to, and recordkeeping for the following agencies:
- South Coast – SCAQMD – Annual Emissions Reporting (AER);
- Bay Area – BAAQMD – Emissions Inventory (Annual Updates);
- San Joaquin Valley – SJVAPCD – Emissions Inventory Submittal (EIS, TEIP, TEIR);
- San Diego – SDAPCD – Emissions Inventory Request;
- Ventura County – VCAPCD – Emissions Inventory Survey;
- Mojave Desert – MDAQMD – Comprehensive Emission Inventory Report (CEIR); and
- All Additional 29 Air Districts.
Industries Serviced
Our staff have assisted clients with reporting in almost every industrial and governmental sector:
- Power Generation;
- Recycling;
- Manufacturing;
- Oil and Gas;
- Aerospace;
- Landfills;
- Pharmaceuticals;
- Semiconductors;
- Agricultural;
- Shipping;
- Paper;
- Metalworking;
- Wastewater Treatment; and
- Many others.
Other Air Reporting
We provide a variety of other environmental services, including air quality reporting for the following programs: