Air Dispersion Modeling
Air dispersion modeling is a sophisticated mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the atmosphere. Air dispersion modeling uses complex computer programs to calculate downwind concentrations of air pollutants emitted from sources such as industrial plants, combustion sources, vehicular traffic, or accidental chemical releases. Yorke Engineering, LLC’s environmental engineering staff expertly uses the latest modeling programs to solve complicated air dispersion modeling project objectives. Yorke’s expertise in air dispersion modeling spans a diverse mix of projects, including odor modeling, ambient air quality modeling, health risk assessment (HRA) modeling, and the modeling of mobile sources.
Air Dispersion Modeling Services
- AB 2588 Toxics Modeling, HRAs;
- Ambient Air Quality Impact Analyses;
- Air Quality Permit-Based Modeling;
- Air District Rule-Based Modeling;
- CEQA-Based Modeling;
- Mobile Source Modeling;
- Accidental Release Modeling;
- Odor Modeling;
- Modeling for “In-House” Engineering or Project-Specific Evaluations; and
- On-Site Assessments.
Air Dispersion Modeling Tool Proficiencies
- Refined Air Dispersion Models, Such as AERMOD;
- Screening-Level Air Dispersion Models, Such as AERSCREEN;
- Terrain Processing Programs, Such as AERMAP;
- Meteorological Processing Programs, Such as AERMET;
- Accidental Release Modeling, Such as SLAB and RMP*Comp; and
- Mobile Source Emissions Calculators, Such as CalEEMod.